When Can I Terminate the Residency of a Senior in My Oklahoma Assisted Living Facility?

An important part of the licensing application process for an Oklahoma senior housing facility is providing a description of the services you plan to offer, along with admission criteria for new residents. Barring emergency needs, these specifications should also identify situations when you can terminate residence.

The unfortunate truth is that the level of care you provide to newly admitted residents may not continue to meet their needs as their health degenerates over time. This is why the Oklahoma Continuum of Care and Assisted Living Act requires the resident or representative, the physician and an appropriate individual from the facility to form a written and executed consensus of the accommodations and services to be provided.

The law further requires a quarterly review of the plan, to make sure the facility continues to meet the needs of the resident. As resident needs increase beyond the capacity of your facility to provide proper care, you can terminate the residency agreement — as long as you issue appropriate notification 30 days in advance of the termination date.

Residents in Oklahoma senior housing, or their representatives, may want to stick with a facility they know and trust, rather than beginning the search for a new facility that meets their current needs. Each agreement must contain terms customized for the specific resident involved, so obtaining a legal review by an attorney with specific experience in this legal area can help reduce the risks of future litigation.

With more than three decades of experience helping senior housing facilities with a full array of licensing matters, legislative issues and other legal concerns, the law firm of Eller and Detrich, A Professional Corporation remains current on the laws regarding senior care. Contact us to learn how we can help.

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